You can't have all of them together so try to choose the most useful ones. Okay first rule when Yorihime's(girl with katana) power reaches 130 her evasion and accurary will increase to the point where you won't be able to hit her, also she has Shrine Maiden Lvl9(same ability as Reimu and Sanae) so that's why her evasion is incredible. Now Yorihime will move on turn 2, so try not to be close in her range, since her attacks have high base damage. Try to take her first HP bar, use characters that have great evasion or characters that have Bunshin(Youmu) or Sakuya who has Private Square(you can increase the effect to 50%) so they won't receive damage, remember to use skills to evade. When she declares her first spellcard, the one where she uses her sword fire, use characters that have high defense such as Meiling.